Pinterest tips top 10 – more followers on Pinterest

Pinterest Tips Top 10 for more followers and pinning correctly, because Pinterest is one of the most important social media networks on the Internet for bloggers. Hardly any other network brings as many new blog visitors to the blog as Pinterest. For the normal user, Pinterest is a collection of...

Pinterest tips top 10 – more followers on Pinterest

Pinterest tips top 10 – more followers on Pinterest

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Pinterest Tips Top 10 for more followers and pinning correctly, because Pinterest is one of the most important social media networks on the Internet for bloggers. Hardly any other network brings as many new blog visitors to the blog as Pinterest. For the normal user, Pinterest is a collection of images for inspiration and tips, while a blogger should look at Pinterest with different eyes. The more followers, the better in the long run for one’s blog traffic.

How does Pinterest work?

A question I already explained to you in detail on my blog a few months ago. I myself have been using Pinterest since 2012 and have already been able to build up a large profile with many different boards. I have linked you my tutorial on Pinterest and how to use Pinterest.

Now I show you my experience on how to bring your profile to life. The most beautiful pins and pictures don’t do you any good if no one sees them. Pinterest is also a network, which does not work without effort and know-how. I’ll show you how your Pinterest profile will grow on its own in the long run and how the blog will benefit from it as well.

My ultimate Pinterest tips Top 10 for more followers on Pinterest

1. pin the right pins

First, it’s all about sharing content and pins that not everyone knows about yet. Since we want to drive traffic to our own blog, we take our popular blogposts and pin our own images from there. A few little helps for getting the right image on Pinterest:

use own good images
pin useful and interesting posts with added value (recipes, lookbooks, tips)
sometimes it’s worth to use an image with thick font for clarification
images without a face are repinned more often
smooth images are more popular than grainy images
bright images and bright backgrounds, but no white shopping backgrounds
rather colored images than black and white
prefer little color saturation
best image format 2:3 or 4:5
portrait images are more popular than landscape images
warm colors, like red, orange and brown are more popular than cool colors (so exactly different from Instagram)

The more beautiful your pins are and the more cozy these images are, the more popular your account will be with new followers.

2. properly label pins for image search on Pinterest.

Good pins also need a good description. Remember to describe your image to be found in image search. Also think of English words and of course your link if you haven’t pinned directly from your site. There are good plug-ins for wordpress here where rich pins are also supported. Hashtags are also possible, but no spaming, but rather consciously two to seven hashtags. The more valuable your pins, the more interesting it will be to follow you.

3. orderly folders or boards

Organize your profile with interesting folders. Find your niche and show boards that others would also like to see. Therefore, it is often not worth it to pin even the bad and unpopular images. Stick to the themes of your blog, or even use Pinterest to find new themes for your blog. The neater your boards, the more enticing to follow you or even individual boards.

4. pin or comment on other people’s pins

Continue to pin other people’s pins or pin interesting blogposts of your friends. You’ll be supporting others by doing this, but your account will be more valuable overall. Sometimes it’s worth creating a separate folder or board for other people’s pins. Also comment on other pins and find your most active re-pinners. Sometimes it is worthwhile to re-pin pins from them. But be careful if you reuse other people’s images outside of Pinterest – read more about this in my blog post about image rights.

5. pin in other Pinterest boards

To catch the eye of a wider crowd, you can also pin to other people’s boards. There are public boards where you can pin your own images if they fit thematically into the board. Sometimes self-organized blogger associations are also worthwhile. However, the joint board then also appears in your profile – so do not accept every board invitation, but already consciously consider or use only briefly.

6. take Pinterest followers to it

As everywhere with social media, you are sometimes only seen when you impose yourself on others. Look for profiles with similar interests and be active there as well. For example, those who are also interested in Louboutin high heels will certainly be more likely to follow my boards and profile than if I regularly comment on sneakers, for example….

7. good profile picture & profile caption at Pinterest

Look for a profile picture, which looks interesting, nice and appealing to others. First impressions count here too, and with the larger female audience, an “I’m-your-new-good-girlfriend” picture sometimes helps. The caption of the channel is important for the placement in the search. Therefore, the most important terms should be in the description and even in the name. If you have a blog, you should have your website verified – this will also boost your profile.

8. be active every day – social media platform

Like everywhere with social media, it is really to be active. However, not all the time, but every now and then. It’s best to schedule half an hour every day for your activities on Pinterest. Don’t pin too much at once if you don’t want to lose your followers right away. Too many pins look like spam and can quickly become annoying.

9. live chats & live boards

If you have some followers and friends together, you can consider starting a kind of live chat and e.g. all at the same time post your best travel pictures and experiences in a board and tell about it. An exciting story that leads to more interactivity.

10. pin places with map

If you have a board that revolves around pictures of a certain place or country, it makes sense to add the GEO data. Specify where the picture was taken to show a travel world map for the new follower.

Pinterest tips top 10 - more followers on Pinterest - Pin correctly - More followers on Pinterest - Blogger Tips

10 tips for more followers on Pinterest – Blogger tips for more blog traffic

If you use Pinterest well and can build a small community, you have a good chance of increasing blog traffic with it in the long run. Again, it does not happen overnight, but it is perseverance that is rewarded. If you are only half-heartedly active here, you won’t see any major growth, just like with Instagram and Facebook. If, then you should do it right and will succeed in the long run.

Especially in Germany, Pinterest is still smiled at, which you can quickly turn to your advantage. Be active and show what you are burning for. Happy Pinning!

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