If you write fashion blogs yourself, are often in the world also for the travel blog and meet many people, automatically comes the question, which best fashion blogs you read privately, which fashion blogs you follow or “What are the most influential and best fashion blogs, is there a top10 fashion blog list”?
It is also fun as a blogger to exchange with companies again and again and to talk about blogger relations and communication with bloggers at workshops, to suggest fashion bloggers for cooperations and to introduce the blogs a little bit.
With me it is very different and through the many trips, you also get to know many fashion blogs outside of Germany and is influenced, by fashion blogs in Asia, USA, Canada, England, Spain and of course Italy.
Since I am there myself often on the spot, I like to buy once the one or the other fashion bargain there. On the one hand, it reminds me of the stay when I’m back in Germany, on the other hand, they are often trends that have not yet arrived in Europe or perhaps never will.
It is important to me as a fashion blogger to have my own style, not to be directly influenced by advertising and at the same time not to pretend and follow the latest trend – just because it is a trend. My style should be authentic and also so on my fashion blog represent themselves.
Since my overview of “The most influential and best travel blogs, as well as best travel stories” was so well received by you, there is now a new overview. This time about “The most influential and best fashion blogs”, as well as best model looks, best beauty reviews and blogger events.
You can quickly get an overview of trends, fashion shows and showrooms through blogs, without having to be at every event yourself.
Why are fashion blogs so important and popular in the first place?
This became clear to me during my first showroom visit itself. I was asked when I would report about the fashion collection – the fashion magazines would report about it in about a year. Of course, I realized once again how up-to-date we fashion bloggers always are. This is exactly what is really interesting for the blog reader.
What exactly does the blogger wear in the fall? Not last fall, but this fall, yesterday! Bloggers are usually additionally fashion trendsetters and that is exactly what the advertising industry has long noticed. Fashion blogs are so popular because as a blog reader you can usually identify with the blogger.
You live a piece of everyday life with the blogger and automatically get to know him better and better. Like a good friend or role model. Even if you would not apply every outfit look for yourself or would like to, but you get a personal impression on a real person, not on a model.
Whereby from many fashion bloggers a certain fashion property is expected partly nevertheless. One should be best slim or otherwise directly Curvy Blogger. Medium-size fashion bloggers are actually very few.
Photogenic you should also be and perfectly familiar with makeup or best also be naturally pretty. The hair is best always top styled. The texts should preferably still contain many helpful and instructive tips.
Good photo equipment and knowledge, as well as blog design skills and SEO understand themselves. Not only on the blog, but also on the many social media channels.
And all this please daily – everywhere, regardless of whether you are on the way to the next appointment, still have to prepare work for UNI or also have a regular job.
For good fashion bloggers, blogging is already a full-time job. For those who endure it for years, it pays off. More visitors, more readers and also more customer inquiries. If you are a fashion blogger yourself, you see even more how much energy and work are behind a blog.
Of course, you are more sensitive to advertising postings, especially if they are not marked accordingly (but that’s a whole other topic). Even if one analyzes other blogs quickly and gladly instead of enjoying, it makes me still very much fun to visit also other blogs and to be inspired.

My blogs – lifestyle blog, travel blog and fashion blog – who am I?
VanessaPur.com – the lifestyle blog of me, Vanessa Pur. When I’m not on the road for my blogs, I work as a consultant sometimes in social media. My lifestyle blog was under the name pureGLAM.tv since 2011 my first blog. A mixture of travel blog and fashion blog – travel meets fashion. I always liked to travel a lot privately in foreign countries and loved to go shopping while travelling.
On my travel blog you can find my hotel tips and hotel impressions, as well as my favorite clothes and practical things from my everyday travel life. From technology to beauty, you will always find something special that you should not miss. My style? Feminine, elegant, a bit “feminine” and “always on high heels” – of course that’s what my fashion blog (formerly pureFAHION.tv) is primarily for.
For all travel fans who are not interested in my looks, I started the travel blog LuxusReiseBlog.com (formerly pureTRAVEL.tv). Here I show you the most beautiful hotels and destinations with my personal tips and the top sights. Since I am a very ambitious person, these two blogs are not enough for me yet. I am additionally writing on my food blog MyGermanBakery.de (formerly pureFOOD.tv). For the WELT.de group I co-wrote the luxury guide. So my blogs and my more personal websites (VanessaPur.com) are firmly part of my daily life.
In Germany I can mostly be found in Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, Hamburg and Düsseldorf – I’m constantly on the go, almost a digital nomad. My photos are taken with my SONY equipment or spontaneously with my iPhone. From time to time I show my looks and my travels additionally on my German or also international YouTube channel. You can find my recipes and me in the kitchen on my baking YouTube channel. Without you my blogs wouldn’t be where they are today – for that I want to thank you!

Best German Fashion Blogs
But now to the topic – FASHION BLOGS – and the blogs I read regularly, as well as my personal fashion blog, where you will find only fashion, beauty and tutorials.
VanessaPur.com (formerly pureFASHION.tv)
My personal fashion blog and lifestyle blog. Here I write since a few years in detail about fashion and styling, show you lookbooks and OOTDs. Whether elegant mini dresses, a combination of a beautiful blouse with mini skirt or even once a tight pants combined with a sweater, on my fashion blog you will find my daily fashion life, as I go to events and am on the road every day – without pretending.
Since I’m on the road a lot, I have to be able to combine my fashion looks practically, as well as the looks should be suitable for travel. Which accessories should I always have with me, which beauty products do I use and what should I wear for different dress codes. In addition, I write to you from particularly beautiful events and moments that make everyday life very special. You can find this and many more tips on my personal fashion blog VanessaPur.com.

Hard to ignore is the new community blog launched since mid-October 2014 by 26 bloggers on behalf of RTL and VOX. The first time that advertising is placed for bloggers on TV to inspire the general public and especially the Shopping Queen viewers for blogs.
Similar to the advertising of Stylight, an online store, the bloggers as a brand are in the foreground. Bloggers, such as Luisa Lion of Style Roulette, Alice of I heart Alice, Jacqueline of Heart of Holly, Maren Anita of fashion-meets-art, Lina Kottutz of redred-carpet, Sara of Sara Bow, Palina of palina pralina, Neele of Royalcoeur, Francesca Lesch of Franelle, Alix of Blog-amm, Katjusha Dawai of Katbuzz and many more have given up their individual blogs to publish all content in a unified format in the future.
A whole new way of blogger marketing of fashion blogs in Germany. I have enjoyed reading many of the participating blogs privately so far. The new platform seems very anonymous to me at first impression – like a smoothly ironed magazine format. At the moment, I’m personally a bit torn as to whether I’ll really still check it out on a daily basis or watch it from afar. In any case, Blogwalk is in the conversation at the moment and that was probably the primary goal for RTL and VOX. “My digital fashion magazine?” The future of fashion blogs will show.
Josie Loves.de
Even though Sarah Eichhorn has lived in Munich for a long time, I unfortunately haven’t met her in person yet. The trained fashion journalist is currently traveling the world with her husband Christoph Eichhorn. Sarah got married in Central Park and wore a beautiful dream dress by Vera Wang.
As a digital nomad, she actually also almost fits into my listing of travel bloggers – but since she likes to report just as much and even more about fashion and outfits, she still belongs to the fashion bloggers for me. I love to travel around the world with her and watch excitedly how the high heels lover has to make friends with flat shoes.
Sometimes I accidentally call Sarah “Josie” even though I know it’s not her name, it’s her little bunny’s name. Early on, Sarah was featured in Bravo and many magazines. She also wanted to become a singer. Today she is one of the most famous German fashion bloggers. She has been writing her fashion blog since 2010. I’m curious to see what else the two of them experience on their world trip and where they liked it best afterwards. Whether they can settle down again in Germany in the long run?
The community blog of Jasmin Arensmeier from Stuttgart and Isabella Meyer from Vienna started, roughly speaking, already in 2006. Even if the fashion style of the two bloggers is so really nice relaxed and has little to do with high heels, I like to look here. I like the polite manner of the red-haired Jasmin, who is also very successful as YouTuber “Jasminar”. Her videos are really nicely done – you feel like a good friend while watching them.
Her dog Jimmy is always there when possible – happy to be in the background in many videos. Jasmin can also be found doing DIYs and in the kitchen often near a tea cup – hence perhaps the blog name “tea and twigs”? However, the motto of the blog is not only beauty, despite the long hair of both bloggers, but mainly fun! Fun in fashion and in life. This year Jamin was at the SWR3 New Pop Festival – she experienced exactly what I was also able to experience a year ago. Somehow that connects something.
Anna Frost lives in Hamburg. The first time I saw her back then was at an event in Düsseldorf – roughly speaking, it was my very first blogger event. Since 2007 Anna Frost has been a style role model for many blog readers and a testimonial for many different brands. Together with her boyfriend Jakob Adler she started her own blogger agency Monochrome.
She was also instrumental in the then short-lived blogger merger “TheMuseNet”, with Tea and Twigs among others. Anna’s blog and life is not boring. She lives her life and fashion the way she wants to. I really like people like that and always find her blog very entertaining and fascinating.
In a few days Anna is going to have her first child – “Peanut” is going to be a girl and I am sure that Anna will also master this task with full vigor – just like her baby bump! Anna may be a “fashion doll” with her own fashion blog perfume, but she’s certainly no fashion Barbie! Addition: The blog has since been discontinued and the blog Fafine.de was founded in its place, which is supposed to be a blog for the young woman.
The photographer Madeleine Alizadeh (or Madeleine Sophie Darya) can be found on the net as a blogger from Vienna. Again and again she shows herself in stylish looks on fashion blogs. Maddie has lived in Thailand, South Korea, USA and in Italy. She shows herself on her blog since 2010 as she is – nice! Her YouTube videos are also very enjoyable to watch.
She likes to explain things like her photography equipment as a blogger and photographer. Additionally, she shows details of her fashion outfits in moving pictures. Her photos are very high quality. She takes pictures with a Canon 5D Mark III, just like me. I like her looks and image quality, as well as her pictures of events, food and special places. Madeleine’s blog is stylish and relaxing, for fashion blog readers like me.
Since 2008, Ricarda Schernus has been blogging as Cats and Dogs about the beautiful parts of life. Beautiful places and gorgeous looks. She puts her focus on especially high-quality photos. She has been a full-time blogger now since 2013 and is able to dedicate all her time to her blog when she’s not out and about at special events or exciting places.
Ricarda’s style is surprising and versatile – hence the dog and cat motto. In addition, she likes to write honest words on topics that particularly concern her. I like to check in with her again and again and see something “Sleeping Beauty-like” in her.
From Munich Angela Dorn or also Angela Dorian writes her fashion blog since 2010. Since she wrote in the third person back then, it came to her blog name. The petite power woman studies photo design in Munich. She doesn’t care much for the Wiesn (another plus from my point of view!). She prefers to find her own places where she feels comfortable and has fun.
I met Angeeeeela (the emphasis is on the “e” ) in Berlin at the Fashion Blogger Cafe. She was also at the eBay event in Munich. I’m always happy to see Angela – there are people you just like thanks to their aura. Angela belongs to these people. The cat lover takes photos with her Canon 60D and belongs as a blogger to the blogger network CLLCT.
The studied open space planner and professional blogger Jana Wind lives in Münster. Since 2009 Jana writes about fashion and outfits. Her style idols are Alexa Chung, Nicole Richie and Sienna Millers. Jana only does what she feels like and what she wants to stand for with her name. That’s exactly what makes her so interesting. Her motto is “live and let live” – very likeable.
I saw Jana in Berlin at an event and she really is as slim and tall in real life as she is in the pictures. Jana deals with blogger cooperations and social media for brands. She likes to shoot with backlight with her Canon 70D, or Ansgar often shoots her looks. Jana also belongs to CLLCT Fashionblogs.
Masha’s real name is Maria Astor, but she likes to be called Masha because it’s a Russian nickname for Maria. She lives in Berlin and has Russian, Moldavian and Azerbaijani roots. Multicultural, after living in the Ruhr area, she now feels completely at home in Berlin. When you think of Masha, the first thing that comes to mind is her trademark red hair – then I think of her likeably direct manner, which I got to know at a panel discussion in Berlin.
Masha started her blog in 2010, which was initially only about thoughts. Only later beauty tutorials and fashion looks joined her blog. Masha situates her style and look itself between goth and grunge. Her photos look very high quality, inspiring and strikingly different. Masha is also one of the most important German bloggers abroad. Masha also belongs to CLLCT Fashionblogs.
Hobby model Andrea Funk has been blogging only since May 2013, and in July she was featured in Bild as a Saarbrücken blogger. In advance, she was already frequently seen as a model in the picture. The photos makes her blog motivation, your sister, Christine Funk. Together they live in Saarbrücken. Andrea studies economics at the Fernuni, after she has completed her commercial training.
I have seen Andrea and her sister in Berlin at the Fashion Blogger Cafe and look forward to seeing them at one or the other event once again. The photos are always really high quality and beautiful to look at.
For me, Vanessa S. from Munich is one of the newcomers in the fashion blog segment. There is really no fashion event, showroom or fashion show that she wants to miss. As it should be, I met Van at the Fashion Week in Berlin. Van stands out from afar with her height and long blonde hair.
Photos of her looks are taken by her boyfriend, who supports her in her distinctive hobby as much as he can with it. Since her blog start in mid-2013, the power blogger has already found many different collaborations with companies and brands. I like to check out Van’s blog to see what fashion blogger events have taken place in Munich.
Another fashion blog I like to visit based on the photos. Daisy and her then boyfriend and photographer Ninos lived together in the south of Germany. Daisy takes care of real estate in her everyday life. She sees herself and her style as “sweet citrus” – hence the blog name.
She has been blogging about fashion and her style since mid-2011. She also likes to wear eye-catching clothes. I always check in with Daisy to see what she is wearing. She writes her blog mostly in English. Addendum: In the meantime Daisy runs her blog alone.
Fashion blogs – international – Europe and USA
One of the Italian blogs I visit more often belongs to Francesca Romana Capizzi. She has been blogging about fashion and clothes she likes to wear since 2008. For Francesca, a fashion blog is like a diary. DCMFB is a blog about outfits that Francesca really wears in everyday life. She doesn’t dress up for her blog. She loves her clothes and just feels happy with them. That’s exactly what the loyal reader notices. Francesca lives in Italy, has a son and is no longer one of the young bloggers.
A blog of many fashion blogs from England. Zoe Elizabeth Sugg has been writing on her blog Zoella since 2009. Zoe became really popular as a YouTuber. She started with YouTube also in 2009, blogging and vlogging about fashion, beauty and lifestyle at the same time. Her high follower numbers speak for her popularity. Her shopping hauls and beauty tips are popular with many reading and watching. Her boyfriend Alfie Deyes is also a YouTuber and thus also knows his way around as a vlogger. Zoe takes photos with the Canon 600D.
Dutchwoman Cindy van der Heyden has been writing the fashion blog COTTDS since 2009. Black clothes, leather and designer ankle boots are simply part of Cindy. Her favorite designer is Alexander Wang. A few years ago she was asked where she sees herself at 30 – she said as a mom with a super stylish kid. Cindy is currently 20 weeks pregnant. Everything is going according to plan so far. I find it interesting to watch how she will stylishly stage her baby bump. Addendum: In the meantime, you can only find 1-2 fashion blog posts a month on her blog.
My personal favorite among fashion blogs can never be missed – Wendy Nguyen. I think her style is really successful and I can identify with her look the best. Feminine, sometimes flashy, sometimes subtle and a preference for Christian Louboutin high heels. I find her photo style very pleasant and high quality. Her videos as a YouTuber are also intricately edited. It’s always fun to go to Wendy’s blog from Los Angeles. Almost all of the looks I would wear exactly as she does.
Originally from Vietnam, Wendy’s life wasn’t always as glamorous as it is today. Wendy calls her boyfriend at the time, James Chen, “Mystery Man.” He was the one who bought her her first pair of Louboutin high heels. James is an actor, film producer and photographer. Wendy’s photos are taken with a Canon 5D Mark III. A blogger and woman who doesn’t just have fashion on her mind and doesn’t often rush from one fashion event to another – very pleasant! Addendum: In the meantime Wendy has a new boyfriend, which you can see and feel in her new energy on the blog.
If you want to read more of my favorite blogs, you can find more fashion blogs listed on my fashion blog. Of course, you’ll find other blogs there than the ones already listed here. Among others:
- The classic fashion blogs (mostly from fashion magazines)
- International fashion blogs
- Fashionblogs from Germany
- Fashionblogs from Munich and surroundings
- Fashionblogs from Austria
- Fashionblogs from Switzerland
- Lovable blogs
- Fashionblogs over 30 and over 40
- Beautyblogger
- Foodblogger, recipeblogger and cookingblogger
- Photo bloggers
As you may have noticed, most of the fashion blogs I like to read are very personal fashion blogs and not big blogger aggregations. I find nothing more confusing than when you can’t tell if it’s a guest blogger or the main blogger writing. Whether the main blogger is in South Africa or just a guest blogger was there. I am interested in the opinion of the person I know. Whether I know the person now real or only online plays for me only secondary a role.
I hope you may have found one or the other new blog now and have directly a small idea of what awaits you there. I find the fashion of the blogs mentioned again and again inspiring and let me certainly also one or the other times of these bloggers unconsciously influenced.
I could imagine you soon also once to introduce my favorite-YouTuber. Surely this could also be interesting for many of you. I have recently seen and personally met so many different YouTuber that I can really say that I have small favorites.
See you soon, your Vanessa XOXO